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my adorable bear
Thursday, May 10, 2007

huhuhuuu... baru nak buat tag yg ced/ise suruh buat... sorrylah, betul2 kes terlambat... foxy nyer desktop tak cantiklah... nih yg basic2 aje... malas nak cari yg best2... buat masa nih brain power dah ketandusan dan kepenatan.... huhuhuuu....

whispering at...4:11 PM

khas buat mu

Sunday, May 06, 2007

semoga kau tenang disana... trying not 2 b sad... tapi... terlebih2 sedih bila satu dunia menyambut hari ibu yg akan datang.... hmmmm... dah besar pokok yg nenek mu tanamkan... how i wish, how i really wish.... but.... ALLAH yg menentukan segala nya... aku redha, kami redha... al-fateha...

whispering at...10:06 AM

khas buat mu

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Look Into My Eyes - Outlandish

Look into my eyes
Tell me what ya see
U don’t see a damn thing
Cuz u can’t relate to me

U blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to u
I’m the persecuted one
U the red, white and blue

Each day u wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thankin’ God He let me rise

Ya worry ‘bout your education
And the bills u have to pay
I worry ‘bout my vulnerable life
And if I’ll survive another day

Ya biggest fear is getting a ticket
As ya cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that’s just left
Will turn around and come back

Yet do u know the truth of where ya money goes
Do u let the media deceive your mind
Is this a truth that nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind
Yet do u know the truth of where ya money goes
Do u let the media deceive your mind
Is this a truth that nobody knows
Some one tell me

Oh let’s not cry tonight
I promise you one day it’s through
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

Oh shine a light for every soul
That ain’t with us no more
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

See I’ve known terror for quite some times
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It’s the check point on my way to school

Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother

The bulldozers and the tanks
The gasses and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds

You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I’m terrorized in my own land
And I’m the terrorist

Yet do u know the truth of where ya money goes
Do u let the media deceive your mind
Is this a truth that nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind
Yet do u know the truth of where ya money goes
Do u let the media deceive your mind
Is this a truth that nobody knows
Some one tell me

Oh let’s not cry tonight
I promise you one day it’s through
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

Oh shine a light for every soul
That ain’t with us no more
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

American do ya realize
That the taxes that u pay
Feed the forces that traumatize
My every living day

So if I won’t be here tomorrow
It’s written in my fate
May the future bring a brighter day
The end of our wait

Oh let’s not cry tonight
I promise you one day it’s through
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

Oh shine a light for every soul
That ain’t with us no more
Ohohoh my brothers
Ohohoh my sisters

p/s: minat betul dgn group nih...c",)

whispering at...8:36 AM

khas buat mu

Friday, March 30, 2007

I've been tag by frudo. ish... malas nak buat, tapi terpaksa jawab jugak....

Type ONE Word only for each... And DO NOT EXPLAIN IT!!

Yourself: Cheerful
Your Hair: Straight
Your Mother: Greatest
Your Father: The Best
Your Favorite Item: Laptop
Your Dream Last Night: Happy
Your Favorite Drink: Coffee
Your Dream Home: Cosy
The Room You Are In: Dining
Your Pets: None
What You Are Now: Housewife
Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Hajjah
What You Want to be in Ten Years: Housewife
What You're Not: Killer
One of Your Wishlist Items: None
Your Gender: Female
The Last Thing You Did: Cooking
What You Are Wearing: Secret
Your Favorite Weather: Fair
Your Favorite Book: Toxin
The Last Thing You Ate: Samosa
Your Life: Alhamdulillah
Your Mood: Happy
Favorite article of clothing: Cotton
Favorite color: Purple
School: Retired!
Song: Sentimental

hmmm....now I'd like to tag:- ise, riced, cipud, fungkur, mystique & neeziee
p/s: cam dah terlebih tag pulak... ;)

whispering at...6:55 AM

khas buat mu

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

huhuuu... sapa2 yg nak tengok video clip lagu daisy...

whispering at...7:32 AM

khas buat mu

Saturday, February 03, 2007

wokey... i hope semua dapat dengar theme lagu dari citer daisy tuh... kalau ada apa2 problem, bagitau k'.... c",)

whispering at...11:10 AM

khas buat mu

Thursday, February 01, 2007

speedy recovery shuk.... wishing u the best of health n may ALLAH bless u 4eva... semoga dibawah lindungan ALLAH senantiasa.... lap u...

suka sangat2 lagu yg ada kat korean movie 'daisy'. citer nyer pun sedih... sampai sekarang teringat2... taktau kenapa...

later2 maybe i tarok lagu tuh kat blog nih k'... nak kena convert dulu d file lah... ish... tgh busy nih.... ;)

whispering at...11:37 AM

khas buat mu